Forum: The Secrets of Esteren: Read more

This section is private and for Shadows of Esteren’s Game Leaders only.
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Forum: The Secrets of Esteren: Read more

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Message par Esteren » 29 sept. 2012, 13:56

This forum is for Shadows of Esteren’s Game Leaders only.

It will allow you to discuss freely with your peers about all the secrets of the game and other burning topics. Whenever possible, the authors of the game will be pleased to share the world’s secrets with you. You can also submit your scenarios and game aids.

This forum is private. To access to it, view its contents, and post in it, you must make a request by simply clicking the button below this message.

If you are only a Shadows of Esteren Player, you are not in the right section… Reading this forum may spoil the fun by revealing some secrets of the game prematurely. Move along if you do not want spoilers!
L'ignorance est une bénédiction, mais pour que la bénédiction soit complète l'ignorance doit être si profonde, qu'elle ne se soupçonne pas soi-même.
E. A. Poe
