Figured I'd share my modifier charts and see if anyone has any suggestions. I pulled these from Savage Worlds and used the existing modifiers in Book 1 to gauge their viability. Some of these are directly from Book 1.
To-Hit Modifiers
Mid-Range: -2
Long-Range: -5
Running: -2
Blindness: -4
High Ground: +1
Horseback: -5 (applies to ranged attacks, and hitting someone on a horse with melee)
Ambush, Side Attack (Group Combat only): +2
Light Cover (fence, bushes, tall grass, curtain, small tree/rock): -1
Heavy Cover (large tree/rock, smoke, another person, the corner of a wall): -2
Total Cover (obscured, same as being blind): -4
Stealth Modifiers
Crawling: +2
Running or Noisy Movement: -2
Heavy Rain: +4
Fog/Mist, Raining, Smoke: +2
Dim Light, Full Moon, Lantern/Torch: +1
Darkness, Night: +2
Pitch Black, New Moon, Heavy Fog, Blindness: +4
Light Cover (fence, bushes, tall grass, curtain, small tree/rock): +1
Heavy Cover (large tree/rock, smoke, another person, the corner of a wall): +2
Total Cover (obscured, same as being blind): +4
Tracking Modifiers
Snow (recent): +4
Mud: +2
Dusty Area/Room: +1
Raining: -4
Poor Light: -2
Nighttime (Dark): -4
Tracking more than 5 individuals: +2
More than 1 day old: -2
Target is intentionally hiding their tracks: -2
High traffic area: -4
Additional Modifiers (Adapted from Savage Worlds)
- Messages : 98
- Inscription : 09 févr. 2015, 01:08
Additional Modifiers (Adapted from Savage Worlds)
“What we hope ever to do with ease, we must first learn to do with diligence.”