Equipment by profession

Questions and discussions about the game system.
Messages : 2
Inscription : 27 janv. 2019, 02:47

Equipment by profession

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Message par Wangalade » 16 févr. 2019, 05:20

At the end of character creation on page 218 the book says if the players don't want to spend time determining their starting equipment the PC has 'the minimum equipment necessary to his profession' and 2d10 azure daols. I can't find anywhere where it talks about the equipment each prefession might have. Does the french version cover this? or has anyone assembled a list of starting equipment for the different professions?

I could just make my own lists, but that kinda defeats the purpose of having an option that is supposed to save time.

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Inscription : 15 avr. 2013, 22:09

Re: Equipment by profession

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Message par Evolena » 16 févr. 2019, 09:16

There isn't such information in the book. Its intent it to save the time to calculate the amount of daol a character has given their profession, then choosing equipment matching this sum, by directly choosing the appropriate equipment with some daols left: more intuition (and equality between professions that doesn't have the same earning), less simulation.

However, if someone has or want to do such a list, it could be agreat game aid, worth sharing.
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Messages : 2156
Inscription : 30 sept. 2012, 23:44
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Re: Equipment by profession

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Message par Clovis » 17 févr. 2019, 21:32

Making lists for each and every profession listed in the book would have been a lot of extra work to little effect, not to mention that it would have taken plenty of space! These are the reasons why individualized equipment lists are not provided.

The idea, instead, is to provide a simpler option. As Evolena said, this will spare the players the necessity of calculating their equipment to the very ember Daol, and will suit groups who prefer a more "go with the flow" approach, based on role-playing and general cohesion rather than on hard rules.

For example, would my mercenary have a longsword and shield? Absolutely. Would my physician Magientist have medical tools and a few tonics? That would make sense. Would my fledgling knight have a horse? That's more debatable, considering how expensive a horse is, on top of the price of arms and armor. And so on and so forth.

And also as Evolena said, if you want to make such a list, by all means, feel free to do so and to share it! I bet many might find it useful for fast and simple character creation! :D
Allez, come on, allons-y, here we go, en avant, godspeed, hardi, let's do this!
