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Lorn Rann and Liadh

Publié : 30 sept. 2012, 11:38
par Random_Interrupt
The corebook mentions two additional Demorthen arts in the magic section; Lorn Rann, the ability to make new ogham stones, and Liadh, the ability to commune directly with the C'maoghs. Have either of these been expanded on or revealed in the original French? If not, any idea when they might, if so then what kind of juju can one do with these puppies? ;) Does Lorn Rann just allow you to make new stones to use with Sigil Rann or can it do other things, like crafting protective menhirs or making stones that can store Rindath for later use? Will the C'maoghs actually be willing to do things for the Liadh-user who knows how to ask them nicely or is it just a sort of way of getting their wisdom on matters?

Re: Lorn Rann and Liadh

Publié : 30 sept. 2012, 15:28
par Pierstoval
Nope, there's no information about both Liadh and Lorn Rann, except the subjective informations we got on the books ;)

But you'll have to wait for the Secrets book...

Re: Lorn Rann and Liadh

Publié : 30 sept. 2012, 15:46
par Daïn
One more thing for looking forward for that book.
We just can't wait ....

Re: Lorn Rann and Liadh

Publié : 30 sept. 2012, 19:06
par Random_Interrupt
Ah, shame. Still, gets me pumped for Secrets! You can count on me laying down cash on the kickstarter when it happens. :D Will the Temple and Magientists be getting extra goodies in Secrets too? Magience in particular seems like the poor cousin, at least in terms of raw power, compared to Demorthen arts and Temple miracles, some rules for bigger, scarier magience devices would be nice.

Re: Lorn Rann and Liadh

Publié : 30 sept. 2012, 19:20
par Daïn
We never had any "table of contents" of the book, but I believe topics will be broad enough to satisfy all of us. The book will be over 300 pages, that's been testified before, and the writing has started from the very beginning of Book 1: Universe, in order to keep the world as a whole and coherent world.

Well, that said, we know nothing for sure about it, yet :roll:
Book 3, secrets is still ... well, a secret ;)

Re: Lorn Rann and Liadh

Publié : 01 oct. 2012, 18:22
par iznurda
Hi !

I'll try to give some elements nevertheless.

It's a bit more complicated. At the corebook timeline the lorn Rann is lost. Nobody knows make oghams and subsist only the capacity to identify oghamic stones (I do not consider every engraved stone as an oghamic one). In consequence there is no new minor oghamic stone created and ionnthen herit those of their teacher. The stones used by morcails are cursed such that the total number of oghams decreases.

Sigil Rann decrease too. The use of major oghams is lost and with less magical stones available teaching this art becomes less and less complete. This is why I believe that all demorthèns do not own or use oghams, and can't teach correctly lorn rann.

All contribute to the decline of demorthèn's arts since the Aegerwin.

Rest the liadh. You can use as you want but it's not a total control on spirits. It's more a negociation, and should in my opinion always there be a price to pay. With liadh demorthèns can leave in peace in the wild, in harmony with nature and they can use it in order to ameliorate the village life.


Re: Lorn Rann and Liadh

Publié : 01 oct. 2012, 18:31
par kjetilkverndokken
Oh I do hope all the french books will be finished soon and the English versions follows suit soon thereafter :)

Re: Lorn Rann and Liadh

Publié : 07 oct. 2012, 13:22
par Siluvatar
Hi to all English speakers!!!

Concerning the "Sercrets" Book, yeah... the whole community is "trying" to patiently wait.
There are some infos about some of the content of this book in different threads in French; but very little.

The really great thing about Esteren, is the community, and it's interactions with the actual Creator staff. A thread was openned months ago by the staff, asking players what they really wanted to see figure in this book. Many ideas were given... It should really be a great and satisfying book!!!

BUT it will probably raise more questions still....

(Players and GM are never satisfied, that's a fact... ^^)

Anyways, patience is mother of all virtues, so .... let's wait :cry:


Re: Lorn Rann and Liadh

Publié : 28 nov. 2012, 18:52
par Murder-of-Crows
I think it wouldn't be too difficult to come up with unofficial rules for Lorn Rann and Liadh. The existing information could serve very well to come up with something.

But I guess an actual, unofficial rules proposal should go into the Secrets section of the forum.

Re: Lorn Rann and Liadh

Publié : 28 nov. 2012, 22:41
par Pierstoval
You can use (like for Artifact creations, as debated by the french community) the available tables for miracles and demorthèn arts. They seem to be balanced enough to be transposed to other systems.

Lorn Rann and Liadh may be used with these tables, I'm pretty sure it'll work well :)