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Shadows of Esteren on the VTT Let's Role

Publié : 13 mai 2020, 12:50
par Sengiir
Bonjour à tous! Hi everyone !

I'm actually working on the adaptation of the system for Shadows of Esteren on the virtual tabletop Let's Role, like some more well-known Roll20 or Rollisteam. This VTT is in Alpha, with every new account validated every day around 4 pm (CEST) (after validation of your e-mail). In my opinion, even in Alpha, Let's Role is more ergonomic compared to Roll20, and there is no paywall for features.

Being interested in this alternative, I started to work on the adaptation of the system for Shadows of Esteren to allow players and GM access to a character sheet (done) and sheets for NPC/animals/feondas (work in progress).

Here are some pictures (in french :oops: ) :









(sorry for the size of the pictures, the forum is limited to 1000px width ;) )

There is no script yet on the sheet, yet many scores are automatically calculated.I

Next thins to do :

Learn how to script things :roll:
English translation (almost finished)

Problems known:
  • Standard attack, Rindath, and Exaltation scores are to be calculated by users.
  • Advantages and Disadvantages are just text yet.
These problems are a link to my lack of knowledge of javascript, but I try to figure it out. :D

Here is a link to the system (account required):

Here is a link to the Corahn Rin character creator made by team member Pierstoval (V1, as far as I know, he is working on a V2 ;) ) which is a really good tool. Then you just have to use the info to fill the sheet on Lets Role.

Re: Shadows of Esteren on the VTT Let's Role

Publié : 11 juin 2020, 09:25
par Sengiir
I'm happy to say the translation is fully done and implemented to the system !

Re: Shadows of Esteren on the VTT Let's Role

Publié : 18 nov. 2020, 23:45
par Sengiir
Hello everyone !

Since the last message, a lot have been done to the character sheet ! Let's have a look :

The sheet is almost fully automated with a lot of news features. There are still some small translations hiccup, but the main character sheet is translated.