Get your PDF after a purchase at a game convention

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Inscription : 10 juil. 2010, 10:32

Get your PDF after a purchase at a game convention

  • Citation

Message par Esteren » 22 sept. 2018, 17:58

📣‼️ No matter which book or pack you purchased at GenCon or any other game convention, PDFs are offered as a gift. Every year, we have invalid emails or sometimes we forget to write down your email. If you have not received your PDFs after your purchases at a game convention, send us a message through the portal and we will fix that :

L'ignorance est une bénédiction, mais pour que la bénédiction soit complète l'ignorance doit être si profonde, qu'elle ne se soupçonne pas soi-même.
E. A. Poe
