Introduction of the Members

Here is where everything begins...
Introductions, questions, looking for players, the Esteren Tour, event announcements, contests...
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Inscription : 30 sept. 2012, 23:44
Localisation : France

Re: Introduction of the Members

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Message par Clovis » 10 févr. 2015, 22:20

Hello StripelessTiger! Glad to have you among us! I can see you've already made several contributions to the forum. Your enthusiasm is very appreciated!
I live in the US and only speak English, but have fallen in love with Shadows of Esteren. I am kind of glad it is still a rather obscure title which only adds to the mystery of running it with unsuspecting friends. :twisted:
Ha ha, it does add to the charm, doesn't it? It's still rather obscure indeed, but we hope that it will become more and more popular! That's what we're hoping to achieve, at least.
I have ran other campaigns and played numerous similar systems, but Esteren just has that mystical intrigue and simplicity that I like. Not too simple though, as the Sanity system is the best I have ever encountered. It felt natural to me when I picked it up and while I still have many unanswered questions, it can only improve with time.
Thank you very much! Of course, you're free to remove or add things to make it as basic or thorough as you wish: as the GM, it's your call!
And if you have any questions in addition to those you have already asked here and there, just ask!
The idea of playing the personality and not the stats is a wonderful concept and I am trying to breach into the role-playing element more in my sessions.
That's great! That's one of Shadows of Esteren's major points, and we're glad to see that role-players are often very receptive to the idea.
Allez, come on, allons-y, here we go, en avant, godspeed, hardi, let's do this!

Messages : 98
Inscription : 09 févr. 2015, 01:08

Re: Introduction of the Members

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Message par StripelessTiger » 15 févr. 2015, 21:27

Clovis a écrit :
I am kind of glad it is still a rather obscure title which only adds to the mystery of running it with unsuspecting friends. :twisted:
Ha ha, it does add to the charm, doesn't it? It's still rather obscure indeed, but we hope that it will become more and more popular! That's what we're hoping to achieve, at least.
With the quality and work put into it, I'm sure it will, which is why I'm glad I jumped on-board when I did.
Clovis a écrit :
The idea of playing the personality and not the stats is a wonderful concept...
That's great! That's one of Shadows of Esteren's major points, and we're glad to see that role-players are often very receptive to the idea.
I've always found that my players always got too hung up on the specifics and mechanics of some games to enjoy the roleplaying element to its fullest, which is why I have long since abandoned overly complicated stat-tallies and use of combat hex-grids. When you describe something to the player, he reacts more naturally instead of making his choice based on the mathematics. It is truly something to behold making this drastic of a swap.

Even the use of player aides, like printing the maps and notes, tea-staining them, adding scuffing and creases, simulated roughness, just adds that extra special charm to it.
“What we hope ever to do with ease, we must first learn to do with diligence.”

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Messages : 2156
Inscription : 30 sept. 2012, 23:44
Localisation : France

Re: Introduction of the Members

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Message par Clovis » 17 févr. 2015, 23:42

StripelessTiger a écrit :I've always found that my players always got too hung up on the specifics and mechanics of some games to enjoy the roleplaying element to its fullest, which is why I have long since abandoned overly complicated stat-tallies and use of combat hex-grids. When you describe something to the player, he reacts more naturally instead of making his choice based on the mathematics. It is truly something to behold making this drastic of a swap.

Even the use of player aides, like printing the maps and notes, tea-staining them, adding scuffing and creases, simulated roughness, just adds that extra special charm to it.
I'm very happy to see this mindset. I can also say that, too often, overly complicated systems detract from good role-playing instead of reinforcing it. In the end, you don't need that complex a system to make kickass scenes: just a basic ruleset for resolving common obstacles is enough! And for more exotic situations, a dash of imagination usually does it!

I would go as far as to say that sometimes, the less you roll, the better the game is. After all, if you, as the GM, feel that a situation would be better with pure role-play instead of rail-roading through it with the system, then go for it!
Allez, come on, allons-y, here we go, en avant, godspeed, hardi, let's do this!

Messages : 5
Inscription : 20 janv. 2015, 08:05

Re: Introduction of the Members

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Message par Pluto1234 » 20 févr. 2015, 02:05

Hi Everyone,

My name is Amber. I'm 23 years old. I go to school in Ohio but live in Massachusetts. I found out about the game at Gencon a few years ago. I have finally decided to run the game. I have played several rpgs ranging from D&D, Exalted, L5R and several others.

I look forward to posting more and sharing what my players have done as well as any questions I have with all of you.

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Messages : 2156
Inscription : 30 sept. 2012, 23:44
Localisation : France

Re: Introduction of the Members

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Message par Clovis » 20 févr. 2015, 02:19

Hello Amber! Glad to welcome you! I see that in addition to Esteren, you've played some of the good classics!

If you'd like to read and share advice about being a GM, feel free to send a request to the "Esteren" account to be granted access to the GM-only section of the forums; you may find threads of interest there.

I hope you'll enjoy the forums!
Allez, come on, allons-y, here we go, en avant, godspeed, hardi, let's do this!

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Re: Introduction of the Members

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Message par Nelyhann » 20 févr. 2015, 16:27

Hello everyone and welcome here :)
Thanks for this nice feedback StripelessTiger, really nice !
Pluto1234 please share your through and ask your question, we will try to help :)
«Patience et longueur de temps Font plus que force ni que rage.»
Le Lion et le Rat - Jean de la Fontaine

Messages : 1
Inscription : 07 févr. 2015, 12:28

Re: Introduction of the Members

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Message par Wizmaub » 22 févr. 2015, 18:46

Hi guys,

Just joined the forum!
Looking forward to spending good times and meeting new people!

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Messages : 133
Inscription : 30 sept. 2012, 03:13

Re: Introduction of the Members

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Message par Ocule » 22 févr. 2015, 21:36

hello! and welcome.I lurk on the forums every now and again so i'm sure we will see you around.

Messages : 2
Inscription : 31 déc. 2014, 05:16

Re: Introduction of the Members

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Message par Boru » 13 avr. 2015, 05:49

Hi all,

I was accepted here a little while ago when I requested access and plain just neglected to introduce myself.

Thank you so much for bringing me into this forum, I am thrilled to explore this game further.

A little bit about myself:

I've been playing rpg's for the last 5 or 6 years now, mostly playing various versions of D&D, Warhammer, and some home made games by friends. I was recently nominated to head up the next game/campaign by my group of friends and after a bit of research I decided to give Shadows of Esteren a try. I was very attracted to the rich story and intriguing gameplay, I am quite excited to further delve these depths.

I certainly am discovering challenges in my first efforts as a Game Master so any pointers would certainly be very appreciated.

Thanks again, and I look forward to further discussion.


P.S. I also posted this in the French forums as instructed.

Messages : 3
Inscription : 04 mai 2015, 00:10

Re: Introduction of the Members

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Message par Topher » 07 mai 2015, 05:29

Hello everyone,

I will introduce myself here also.

Name is Chris, go by Topher hence the Username :) I live in Indiana, and found Shadows by chance at a local game shop, then investigated them at Gen Con and walked away with the entire game lol. I am finally getting my lazy butt to run it in the coming weeks (silly school and Basic) In that process found the forums. Glad to be part of the last kick-starter and excited for future ones. Book 4 use to be the one I couldn't wait for, but not it is honestly Book 3. The scenarios are so involved and well written that I am excited for the campaign over the secrets. I view the mystery very much like Raven-loft which was my campaign setting and loved it. I filled in the blanks as I saw fit, and will do that with Shadows also, which seems to be the point and the beauty of the game. (I will purchase the Secrets once its printed to see what I missed and how close I was)

I have been gaming for the majority of my life and wouldn't change that, started when I was 14, and now 33.

Hopefully some of you all make it to Gen Con and help support the creators of this great game! (I know I will be there)

