[EN] International forum?

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Re: International forum?

Message par iznurda » 03 août 2012, 08:07

Hi !

A lot of questions ! I will try to begin answers with my poor words but for the rules I'm not sure about the real transcription so I won't go in that side.
- Besides the magiescience faction, what is the techlevel in the setting, is it around 1100 western Europe? or even earlier?
The Tri-Kazel's habitant have are good skill in leather, wood and stone craftwork. For the stone the peninsula littered with stones and engraved. Stone work is a traditionnal craft.
They are pretty good to construct stone-bridges et cities in stone. For exemple in Osta-Baille, capital of the Taol-Kaer country, a bridge a hundred meters connects two neighborhoods.
They have mills, too. And the magientist have made ​​many improvements. However the population is globaly traditionnalist and novelty is generally recieve with prudence.
In fact, they are pretty good except in sailling : sea is dangerous so tri-kazellians are not sailors.
- The monastic order/s in the game, how much do they remind of the real monastic orders - do they follow the model of the poor christ - like the Fransican moncs or more along the lines of the Benedictines?
I also know that they see cold as cleansing of the soul/evil - but how do they practice it? Is it meditation in open rooms in the coldness of the night ore something else? And how much "divine magic" is common among them?
In the unist faith exist six orders with differents rules but there is a monastic one. In many ways there are many similarities with the practice of Catholicism as we could know, especially among the monks, precisely. There is one book of the range, the Tuath monastry, wich explain the life of monks and give a scenario inspired from the name of the rose.
I think your campaign with monks could easilly be played in the Three Kigndoms.
The divine magic work with miracles but they are extremely rare. So most of the population considers them more as legends as facts.
- How does the economic system work? Is it an abstract resource unit, or real coinage? And if yes to the latter, is it more then "copper to silver to gold"?
Peninsula use its own currency : the daols. These are pieces in various metal alloys of triangular shape. You will see that the number three to one particular meaning in the traditions of the three kingdoms. Note : for the unist faith, it's the six.

Now for the rules points I will let more fluent in english people than I respond you. And complete me. I hope you have at least provided some answers.


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Re: International forum?

Message par Pierstoval » 03 août 2012, 08:32

kjetilkverndokken a écrit :- Besides the magiescience faction, what is the techlevel in the setting, is it around 1100 western Europe? or even earlier?
I add to Iznurda's post that they use steam, especially for mills, but it's not that common. We guess that the use of steam is used with both Flux and basic mechanics, and we may think that Flux costs really less that the use of charcoal or anything else to make steam.

kjetilkverndokken a écrit :- Though I like that there are only 3 pages of combat related rules, how much depth of combat is there? Can players make meaningful tactical choices? Just to compare with another game I really like; Mongoose Runequest 2/Legend and Runequest 6 with their combat manouvers/Special effects - that gives a real depth of combat, without overburdening the system.
Also, I read that its deadly and three combat round may be the norm? But how deadly is it? If someone attacks another with a knife against an unarmored opponent, how deadly would that be in this game?
Yes, 3 rounds is the norm in a combat with the same number of allies and ennemies. Although there is not many pages of combat rules, it's quite simple : at the beginning of the round, everybody decides of his actions during the round, and then you resolve it in the order given by initiative (with the "Rapidité", as "Speed" score on the character sheet). There are really 2 steps, the first is to decide and make tactics, and the second is to resolve without changing the decision.
Finally, the dice rolls are easy.
If the attack roll exceeds the "Défense", like AC, then you add the damages to the attack score, and also the armor protection points to the defense if there's one.
Finally, Attack roll+dmg - Defense+prot. points == damage taken !
That's why it's deadly, cause if the attack rolls is 9, u have 10 in attack, it's 19 attack score then, the defense does not often go further than 12, maybe 13, so it's already 6 or more damage taken. And everybody have 19 hp at the beginning... That's also why 3 rounds are enough !

kjetilkverndokken a écrit :- Is the rules for creating PC's (player characters) the same as for making NPC's (non player characters)? Is there a beastiary in the core book (also meant as normal flora and fauna) - and are there rules for creating creatures?
Apparently yes, there is no information at the moment about this, but if the GM wants to make a really well-made NPC, he has only two choices : create it with the PCs rules, or just do it whatever he like it.
kjetilkverndokken a écrit :- How does the economic system work? Is it an abstract resource unit, or real coinage? And if yes to the latter, is it more then "copper to silver to gold"?
Tri-Kazelians are usually barters, and don't often use money, even if there's a currency named Daols. There are three types of them, from the lowest to the highest value, Braise daol, Azur daol and Frost daol.
They are triangulars form on money, with a hole inside it to be easily put on a little rope, chain or a large metal ring (about 3 inches diameter). It's better than coins in a purse, cuz if you cut it, you hear all the money falling ! :D
kjetilkverndokken a écrit :- Are there careers in the game or more free creation? Can i make a normal wheat farmer, or a noble born heir? And how does one advance, is it experience based, with points to use, is it progressive growth over skill usage - or something more unique?
Actually, there are 18 jobs presented in the core book, and you can make whatever you want to make. But remember that when you create a character, even if he's a noble heir, he's like level 1, as the peasants are if you create some.
The progression system is closer to Warhammer RPG one, as you gain exp through time, and you raise your skills (Domains and Disciplines) by paying a certain price in Experience.

I hope I didn't revealed too many informations about the rules, but I think that everything is on the Book 0 - Prologue !

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Re: International forum?

Message par kjetilkverndokken » 03 août 2012, 08:53

Thanks,it clears alot up. I I have downloaded the French book 0. But with Google translate quite a bit is lost of the meanings.

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Re: International forum?

Message par Nero » 03 août 2012, 09:40

If you want a good translator, i find this one : http://www.reverso.net/text_translation.aspx?lang=FR

really good.
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Re: International forum?

Message par Glass » 03 août 2012, 09:58

kjetilkverndokken a écrit :- Besides the magiescience faction, what is the techlevel in the setting, is it around 1100 western Europe? or even earlier?
The setting is clearly medieval but you can see a bit of everything : from traditionalist clans in the South (Viking/Scottish Highlander inspirations) to humanist cities in the north (Renaissance inspiration), and Steampunk elements too...
Guns don't really exist but if they do, they are very rare/expensive, hard to use, and powered with "Flux". The harsh weather and the landscape also makes it hard for people to travel... So, a piece of technology that is available in a big town would be unknown in remote areas. In other words, Technology exists but it's not easily available and a lot of people still don't trust it.
kjetilkverndokken a écrit :- Though I like that there are only 3 pages of combat related rules, how much depth of combat is there? Can players make meaningful tactical choices? Just to compare with another game I really like; Mongoose Runequest 2/Legend and Runequest 6 with their combat manouvers/Special effects - that gives a real depth of combat, without overburdening the system.
I don't know these games very well so it's hard for me to answer you specifically.
It is best to make your players understand really quickly that combat is deadly. The official scenarios have good examples on how to do that. Anyway, there's a tactical part within the combat system consisting in choosing a combat stance for every round, which may or may not give you an advantage on your enemy. Careful (clever?) players like to have good defense or good speed.
kjetilkverndokken a écrit :- Is the rules for creating PC's (player characters) the same as for making NPC's (non player characters)? Is there a bestiary in the core book (also meant as normal flora and fauna) - and are there rules for creating creatures?
There's no bestiary in the core book (there's one in Livre 2 - Voyages though) and there are no rules for creating creatures. You can create NPCs using the character creation steps described in the core book. However, it might seem unnecessary... You can stick to the first few steps by answering those : What is his/her job? What is his/her personality like? Has he/she been through a lot? Is the NPC very important for the scenario/campaign. The first questions will help you establish the Ways and the main areas of proficiency of the NPC. The rest is not so useful, unless you answered yes to the last question. If the NPC is important, you should in my opinion determine the combat stats, a detailed background, and the rest... and share it with us! ;)
kjetilkverndokken a écrit :- Are there careers in the game or more free creation? Can i make a normal wheat farmer, or a noble born heir? And how does one advance, is it experience based, with points to use, is it progressive growth over skill usage - or something more unique?
It's important to note that Shadows of Esteren is not a game based on "classes" (unlike DnD) because the way a character behaves in a fight is not that important here. Shadows of Esteren is clearly more about story telling and impersonating a character you care about. Most characters seem "normal" at the beginning, there's not really anything legendary or heroic about them.
Picking a job is a good starting point for creating a character because it will determine your two main skills but, more importantly, it will help you shape your character's background and his/her place in the society. The game designers advise you to create young "normal" characters to shape them as you play the game, but it's not impossible to create older more experienced characters.
You'll find that it can be hard to create a well-balanced character, and even harder to create a character that specializes in a specific skillset...
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Re: International forum?

Message par kjetilkverndokken » 03 août 2012, 12:49

Everything written here is only big + in my book for this RPG. I myself dislike levels and games like D&D, give me narrative games anytime :-)

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Re: International forum?

Message par kjetilkverndokken » 04 août 2012, 07:30

The Tuath Monastery, how big is that adventure, does it need more then one session to complete?
Asking since I'm considering to run this at a minicon.

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Re: International forum?

Message par kjetilkverndokken » 04 août 2012, 08:14

I just saw that story was not part of the kickstarter, but maybe the next :)

But the three stories: Loch Varn, Red Fall, and Poison are included in what I get. Can anyone give a short synopsis on what they are about?

Also, are there any good fan made stories along the lines of The Tuatha Monastary adventure? With the players as monks, that could be good to use at a con?

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Re: International forum?

Message par iznurda » 04 août 2012, 08:41

I don't remember seen a fan made with monks, or dealing directly with.

How long are the parties at your con ? I think we can easily create a custom scenario for this event. What do you want as a thematic approach ? Are players monks or clerics could be only of actors ?

The game offert two forms of story : the conventionnal way, the scenario usually in three acts and during 10+ hours. The second is canvas. Shorter they can be played in one to a handful of hours, perfect for initiation or oneshots. They count usually one situation.


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Re: International forum?

Message par kjetilkverndokken » 04 août 2012, 08:48

iznurda a écrit :I don't remember seen a fan made with monks, or dealing directly with.

How long are the parties at your con ? I think we can easily create a custom scenario for this event. What do you want as a thematic approach ? Are players monks or clerics could be only of actors ?

The game offert two forms of story : the conventionnal way, the scenario usually in three acts and during 10+ hours. The second is canvas. Shorter they can be played in one to a handful of hours, perfect for initiation or oneshots. They count usually one situation.

This would probably be a 6 hour event, with a high possibility to actually have two sessions. So the conventional way would be the safest bet.

Theme: Mystery and investigation - I want to show of maybe a beginning of Esteren with its daily life for the Monks. But there is some dreadful secret, maybe hidden from initiates of the order - or something from the outside. I am not sure yet, but something lovecraftian would be nice :).

My thoughts were that the whole player group was monks - young ones, maybe right after initiation into the order.
The monastary could be isolated or maybe conected to a small village.
